Day 45

Day By Day Notes From The Road
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This document updated August 11th, 2004

Bedford to Gettysburg Pennsylvania - 102 Miles


By Lucija:

Today was again one of my favorite biking days.  We nicknamed today the "comprehensive exam", because the route had it all:  100 miles and many hills.  To top off the intimidation I started the day late, because I got a flat first thing in the morning.  In spite of the slow beginning, the day got better and better.  It was a gorgeous sunny day, the hills were very scenic, and I LOVED some of the steep and long descents.  Around mile 50, near a very pretty state part, Erwin and I were in for a surprise:  a bright sign saying "Go Lucija and Erwin".  My brother's wife, Amy is from this part of Pennsylvania and they arranged for the signs to be put up at a friend's house that was located right on our route - What a fun surprise!

Finishing the day today felt like a big accomplishment.  It was our last long and hard day.  Now we have only 105 miles remaining to DC!  Hard to believe we have made it all this way!

By Erwin:

The Comprehensive Exam was one of the best (if not the best) days riding. I agree with everything Lucija wrote. What's more, it was fun to recognize from our days training in and around Philly how the hills were short and steep, rather than long and sloping as most of them were in Montana and South Dakota.

So, now we have only two days to go. After the rest day, we have two short days of "gallery play" left. We'll take it easy, chat and stop often. And then, we'll stop biking and our daily routine will change - it will be tough to change and I can already feel that I will miss biking 8 hours a day. Strange.

DC, here we come!


I still enjoy the scenic bales of hay

We were treated to a fun surprise near mile 50!  Thank you Amy and Z!